Date of Birth:May 5, 1957
Institution:College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Lanzhou University
Address:222 Tianshui Road, Lanzhou 730000, China
Fax: +86-931-891-4561
Jan 1982-Jun 1984 M.E. in Solid Mechanics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Mar 1978-Jan 1982 B.S. in Mechanics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Jan 1996-2005 Professor, School of Physical Science and Technology,Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Jul 1994-Jul 1995
Sep 1993-Jul 1994 Visiting?scholar,?Department?of?Civil?Engineering, Faculty?of?Mechanical?Engineering, Kentucky?University,?USA
Jun 1993-Jan 1996 Associate Professor, School of Physical Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Jun 1990-Jun 1993 Lecturer, School of Physical Science and Technology,
Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Nov 2014-presentXidian University, Xian, China
Adjunct Professor, School of Aeronautics,
Northwestern Polytechnical University Xian, China
Apr 2010-Present Associate Editor, Journal of Lanzhou University (natural science), China
Apr 2011-Present Member of the editorial board, Chinese Journal Computational Mechanics
Member of the editorial board, Mechanics in Engineering, China
Multi-field for Measurement of Superconducting-Material Mechanical
The Found of Natural Science Foundation of China (11327802), PI
Jan 2013-Dec 2017Mechanical analysis method for large superconducting magnets in fusion
reactor, The Found of Natural Science Foundation of China
(2013GB110002), PI
Jan 2012-Dec 2014Nonlinear mechanics of interaction between complex environment and
medium, The Found of Natural Science Foundation of China (11121202), PI
Jan 2011-Dec2014 Theoretical and experimental research on mechanics, The Found of Natural
Science Foundation of China (11032006), PI
1.Jizeng Wang, Xiaojing Liu, Youhe Zhou. 2018. A high-order accurate wavelet method for solving Schrödinger equations with general nonlinearity. Applied Mathematics & Mechanics. 39 (11):1-16.
2.Xiaojing Liu, Jizeng Wang, Youhe Zhou. 2017. et al. Wavelet Methods and Applications in Nonlinear Mechanics Problems. Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics. 38(4):287-311.
3.Yu Yang, Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2017. Numerical Simulations of AC Losses in Multifilamentary Superconducting Tapes Under Bending Strain. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 27(5):1-10.
4.Xiaojing Liu, Jizeng Wang, Youhe Zhou. 2017. A space–time fully decoupled wavelet Galerkin method for solving a class of nonlinear wave problems. Nonlinear Dynamics. 90(1):599-616.
5.Wang Jizeng, Youhe Zhou, Liu Xiaojing. 2017. A Space-Time Fully Decoupled Wavelet Galerkin Method for Solving Multidimensional Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations with Damping. Journal of Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2017(11):1-10.
6.Ze Jing, Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2016. Influences of non-uniformities and anisotropies on the flux avalanche behaviors of type-II superconducting films. Superconductor Science & Technology. 9(10):105001.
7.Wenbin Liu, Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2016. Numerical analysis of quench in coated conductors with defects. Aip Advances. 6(9):095023.
8.Donghui Liu, Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2016. Analysis of charging and sudden-discharging characteristics of no-insulation REBCO coil using an electromagnetic coupling model. Aip Advances, 7(11):115104.
9.Mingzhi Guan, Xingzhe Wang, Youhe Zhou. 2016. The Influence of Strain Rate on the Tensile Properties of a Nb–Ti/Cu Superconducting Composite Wire Under Variable Cryogenic Temperature. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 26(2):1-5.
10.Huadong Yong, Yu Yang, Youhe Zhou. 2016. Mechanical Behaviours in Bi2223/Ag/Ag Alloy Composite Tape with Different Volume Fractions. Superconductivity & Novel Magnetism, 29(2):329-336.
11.Zeling Ma, Xingzhe Wang, Youhe Zhou. 2016. Vortex Dynamics and Characteristics of Prestrained Type-II Deformable Superconductors Under Magnetic Fields. Physica C, 523:10-18.
12.Cong Liu, Xingyi Zhang, Youhe Zhou. 2016. Multiplication method for sparse interferometric fringes. Optics Express, 24(7):7693.
13.Yi Huang, Xingyi Zhang, Youhe Zhou. 2016. Thermal properties of a cylindrical YBa2Cu3O superconductor in a levitation system: triggered by nonlinear dynamics. Superconductor Science & Technology, 29(7):075009.
14.Yanyun Ru, Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2016. Mechanical behavior of Nb3Sn strands under transverse electromagnetic loads. Fusion Engineering & Design, 112(7):393-403.
15.Ze Jing, Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2014. Vortex structures and magnetic domain patterns in the superconductor/ferromagnet hybrid bilayer. Superconductor Science & Technology 27(10):105005.
16.Xiaojing Liu, Jizeng Wang, Xiaomin Wang, Youhe Zhou. 2014. Exact solution of multi-term fractional diffusion-wave equations with Robin type boundary conditions. Applied Mechanics and Mathematics, 35(1):49-62.
17.Shiqing Gao, Youhe Zhou. 2013. Self-alignment of micro-parts using capillary interaction: Unified modeling and misalignment analysis. Microelectronics Reliability, 53(8):1137-1148.
18.Xin Wang, Huadong Yong, Cun Xue, Youhe Zhou. 2013. Inclined crack problem in a rectangular slab of superconductor under an electromagnetic force. Journal of Applied Physics, 114(8):2442.
19.Cun Xue, An He, Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2013. Crack tip opening displacement in a linear strain hardening material. Mechanics of Materials, 66(4):21-34.
20.Cun Xue, An He, Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2013. Magneto-elastic behaviour of thin type-II superconducting strip with field-dependent critical current. Applied Physics, 113: 023901-023907.
21.Jing Xia, Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2013. A structural mechanics model for the 2-D mechanical characteristics of ITER Cable-In-Conduit Conductor cable under transverse loads. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 23(5):8401209-8401209.
22.Ze Jing, Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2013. Shear and transverse stress in a thin superconducting layer in simplified coated conductor architecture with a pre-existing detachment. Applied Physics, 114(3):2012-10.
23.Ze Jing, Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2013. The effect of strain on the vortex structure and electromagnetic properties of a mesoscopic superconducting cylinder. Superconductor Science and Technology, 26(7):64-73.
24.Chenguang Huang, Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2013. Critical state model for magneto-elastic problem of thin superconducting disks. Applied Physics, 114(3):2166.
25.Chenguang Huang, Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2013. Influence of Critical Current Density Distribution on Transport AC Losses for Round Superconducting Wire. Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 172(1-2):59-69.
26.Chenguang Huang, Youhe Zhou. 2013. Numerical analysis of transport AC loss in HTS slab with thermoelectric interaction. Physica C Superconductivity & Its Applications, 490(7):5-9.
27.An He, Cun Xue, Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2013. Influence of soft ferromagnetic substrate on magneto-elastic behavior in a superconducting coated conductor strip. Journal of Applied Physics, 114(20):034005.
28.An He, Cun Xue, Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2013. Fracture behaviors of thin superconducting films with field-dependent critical current density. Physica C Superconductivity & Its Applications, 492(25):25-31.
29.Huadong Yong, Ze Jing, Youhe Zhou. 2013. Analysis of strain effect on critical current density in superconductors with a modified semiempirical Kim model. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 23(5):8002806-8002806.
30.Huadong Yong, Cun Xue, Youhe Zhou. 2013. Thickness dependence of fracture behavior in a superconducting strip. Superconductor Science and Technology, 26(5):055003.
31.Xingyi Zhang, Donghua Yue, Jun Zhou, Youhe Zhou. 2013. Thermal stresses in the large grain YBaCuO superconductors during zero field cooling. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 26(1):87-92.
32.Cong Liu, Xingyi Zhang, Jun Zhou, Youhe Zhou. 2013. A general coherent gradient sensor for film curvature measurements: error analysis without temperature constraint. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 51(7):808-812.
33.Xingyi Zhang, Yi Huang, Jun Zhou, Youhe Zhou. 2013. Experimental and theoretical investigations on the singularity of the intensity factor of the current in high temperature superconductors, Superconductors Science and Technology, 26(8):117-25.
34.Jun Zhou, Xingyi Zhang, Youhe Zhou. 2013. Influences of temperature cycle on the levitation force relaxation with time in the HTS levitation system. Journal of Basic and Applied Physics, 2(1):4-8.
35.Xingyi Zhang, Jun Zhou, Youhe Zhou. 2013. Memory effect and its losing in the high-temperature superconducting bulks. Physica C Superconductivity & Its Applications, 495(495): 44-47.
36.Donghua Yue, Xingyi Zhang, Jun Zhou, Youhe Zhou. 2013. Current transport of the [001] -tilt low-angle grain boundary in high temperature superconductors. Applied Physics Letters, 103(23):052506-13893.
37.Xin Wang, Yuanwen Gao, Youhe Zhou. 2013. Modeling for mechanical response of CICC by hierarchical approach and ABQUS simulation. Fusion Engineering and Design, 88(11): 2907-291759.
38.Yingxu Li, Wurui Ta, Yuanwen Gao, Youhe Zhou. 2013. Transport current distribution on Nb3Sn strand for TARSIS. Physica C Superconductivity & Its Applications, 489(489): 25-31.
39.Yuanwen Gao, Youhe Zhou. 2013. The effect of electric charge on the mechanical properties of grapheme. Science China-Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 56(6): 1148-1156.
40.Xiaojing Liu, Youhe Zhou, Xiaomin Wang, Jizeng Wang. 2013. A wavelet method for solving a class of nonlinear boundary value problems. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 18(8): 1939-1948.
41.Xiaojing Liu, Jizeng Wang, Youhe Zhou. 2013. Wavelet solution of a class of two-dimensional nonlinear boundary value problems. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, 92(5): 493-505.
42.Xiaojing Liu, Jizeng Wang, Youhe Zhou. 2013. A Wavelet Method for Solving Nonlinear Time-Dependent Partial Differential Equations. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, 94(3): 225-238
43.Xiaojing Liu, Jizeng Wang, Xiaomin Wang, Youhe Zhou. 2014. Exact solution of multi-term fractional diffusion-wave equations with Robin type boundary conditions. Applied Mechanics and Mathematics, 35(1): 49-62.
44.Long Li, Jizeng Wang, Youhe Zhou. 2013. Mechanics of DNA packaging and ejection from elastic phage capsid. Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters, 3(5): 054003.
45.Lei Zhang, Xiaojing Liu, Youhe Zhou, Jizeng Wang. 2013. Influence of vanishing moments on the accuracy of a modified wavelet Galerkin method for nonlinear boundary value problems. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1558(1): 942-945.
46.Xiaojing Liu, Jizeng Wang, Youhe Zhou. 2013. A wavelet method for solving coupled viscous Burgers' equations. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1558(1): 935-937.
47.Zhiwen Gao, Youhe Zhou. 2013. Dynamic stress intensity factors of mode -I crack in high temperature superconductor. Physica C Superconductivity & Its Applications, 495(495): 169-173.
48.Cun Xue, Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2012. The mechanical crack tip opening displacement fracture criterion in piezoelectric ceramics. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 96(96): 606-614.
49.Zhiwen Gao, Kangyong Lee, Youhe Zhou. 2012. Coupled thermo-Mechanical Analysis of functionally gradient weak/micro-discontinuous interface with graded finite element method. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 25(4): 331-341.
50.Zhiwen Gao, Kangyong Lee, Youhe Zhou. 2012. Crack tip shielding and anti-shielding effects of parallel cracks for a superconductor slab under an electromagnetic force. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 26(2): 353-357.
51.Ji Yue Zhu, Wei Luo, Youhe Zhou, Xiao Jing Zheng. 2012. Contact mechanical characteristics of Nb3Sn strands under transverse electromagnetic loads in the CICC cross-section. Superconductor Science and Technology, 25(12): 125011
52.Jiyue Zhu, Yongyong Liang, Youhe Zhou. 2012. The effect of the particle aspect ratio on the pressure at the bottom of sandpiles. Powder Technology, 234(1): 37-45.
53.Ze Jing, Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2012. Flux-pinning-induced interfacial shearing and transverse normal stress in a superconducting coated conductor long strip. Journal of Applied Physics, 112(4): 034005.
54.Cun Xue, Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2012. Crack tip field in a linear elastic–plastic strain-hardening material. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 49(23-24): 3447-3452.
55.An He, Huadong Yong, Cun Xue, Youhe Zhou. 2012. Effect of strain on critical magnetic field in type-II superconductors. Journal of Applied Physics, 112(5): 151.
56.Mingzhi Guan, Xingzhe Wang, Youhe Zhou. 2012. Cryogenic Temperature Dependence of Tensile Response of NbTi/Cu Superconducting Composite Wires. IEEE Trans. on Applied Superconductivity, 22(6): 8401106-8401106.
57.Hongyan Tian, Xingzhe Wang, Youhe Zhou. 2012. Thermoelastic Stress in a Functionally Graded Infinite Plate with Electromagnetic Wave Absorption. Chinese Physics Letters, 29(11): 116801.
58.Huahong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2012. Depairing current density in superconducting film with shear deformation. Journal of Applied Physics, 111(5): 072510.
59.Xingyi Zhang, Jun Zhou, Youhe Zhou. 2012. Influences of Permanent Magnets Temperature Characteristic on the Levitation Force of YBaCuO Bulk Superconductors. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 25(4): 857–860.
60.Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2012. Crack problem for thin superconducting strip in a perpendicular magnetic field. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 22(2): 8400905.
61.Xiaojing Liu, Youhe Zhou, Huajian Gao, Jizeng Wang. 2012. Anomalous flexural behaviors of microtubules. Biophysical Journal, 102(8): 1793-1803.
62.Xiaojing Liu, Youhe Zhou, Xiaojing Zheng, Jizeng Wang. 2012. Charging efficiency improvement by structuring lithium battery electrodes. Journal of Applied Physics, 111(11): 114303.
63.Huadong Yong, Jun Zen, Youhe Zhou. 2012. Magneto-elastic analysis of a superconducting film with a crack-like flaw. Advanced Materials Research, 378-379: 131-136.
64.Jizeng Wang, Xiaomin Wang, Youhe Zhou. 2012. A wavelet approach for active-passive vibration control of laminated plates. Acta Mechanica Siica, 28(2): 520-531.
65.Youhe Zhou. 2011. A theoretical model of collision between soft-spheres with Hertz elastic loading and nonlinear plastic unloading. Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters. 1(4):34-39.
66.Youhe Zhou, Xiaoming Wang, Jizeng Wang, Xiaojin Liu. 2011. A wavelet numerical method for solving nonlinear fractional vibration, diffusion and wave equations. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 77(2):137-160.
67.Jun Zhou, Xingyi Zhang, Youhe Zhou. 2011. An improvement of frozen-image model and its application in a HTS levitation system. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 1(3):8-12.
68.Jun Zeng, Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2011. Edge-crack problem in a long cylindrical superconductor. Journal of Applied Physics, 109(9):448.
69.Jun Zhou, Youhe Zhou, K. M. Liew. 2011. Wavelet-based method for stability analysis of vibration control systems with multiple delays. Computational Mechanics, 47(2):161-170.
70.Huadong Yong, Feng Xue, Youhe Zhou. 2011. Effect of strain on depairing current density in deformable superconducting thin films. Journal of Applied Physics, 110(3):1109.
71.Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2011. Stress distribution in a flat superconducting strip with transport current. Journal of Applied Physics, 109(7):023904.
72.Xinzhen He, Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2011. The characteristics and stability of a dielectric elastomer spherical shell with a thick wall. Smart Materials and Structures, 20(5):055016.
73.Tianzhong Wang, Youhe Zhou. 2011. A coupled magnetic-elastic-thermal free energy model with hysteretic nonlinearity for Terfenol-D Rods. CMC-Computers Materials and Continua, 21(1):41-64.
74.Tianzhong Wang, Youhe Zhou. 2011. A theoretical study of nonlinear magnetoelectric effect in magnetostrictive–piezoelectric trilayer. Composite Structures, 93(5):1485-1492.
75.Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2011. Interface Crack between superconducting film and substrate. Journal of Applied Physics, 110(6):063924-063924-6.
76.Huadong Yong, Feng Xue, Youhe Zhou. 2010. Effect of prestrain on coherence length and order parameter. Journal of Applied Physics, 108 (10): 103917
77.Feng Xue, Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2010. Effect of flux creep and viscous flux flow on flux-pinning-induced stress and magnetostriction in a long rectangular slab. Journal of Applied Physics, 108: 103910
78.Zhiwen Gao, Youhe Zhou, Kangyong Lee. 2010. Crack–inclusion problem for a long rectangular slab of superconductor under an electromagnetic force. Computational Materials Science, 50(2): 279-282.
79.Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2010.Analytical solutions of the Ginzburg-Landau equations for deformable superconductors in a weak magnetic field. Applied Physics Letter, 97: 162505.
80.Zhiwen Gao, Youhe Zhou, Kangyong Lee. 2010.The interaction of two collinear cracks in a rectangular superconductor slab under an electromagnetic force. Physica C, 470(15-16): 654-658.
81.Zhiwen Gao, Youhe Zhou, Kangyong Lee. 2010. Graded finite element simulation of thermal stress in inhomogeneous high -Tc superconductor. Physica C, 470: 2010-2015.
82.Jun Zeng, Youhe Zhou, Huadong Yong. 2010. Fracture behavior induced by electromagnetic force in a long cylindrical superconductor. Journal of Applied Physics, 108: 033901
83.Feng Xue, Youhe Zhou. 2010. An analytical investigation on singularity of current distribution around a crack in a long cylindrical superconductor. Journal of Applied Physics, 107: 113927
84.Xingyi Zhang, Jun Zhou, Youhe Zhou. 2010. Levitation properties of Melt-processed YBCO bulk with a linear notch. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 23: 265-268.
85.Xingyi Zhang, Jun Zhou, Youhe Zhou. 2010. Jump properties of the tip magnetic field of a notch in a melt-processes YBCO bulk. Journal of Applied Physics, 107: 036102123.
86.Xiaobin Yang, Youhe Zhou, Shandong Tu. 2010. The influence of measurement and relaxation time on flux jumps in high temperature superconductors. Physica C, 470: 109-114.
87.Dengming Wang, Youhe Zhou. 2010. Statistics of contact force network in dense granular matter. Particuology, 8: 133-140.
88.Cuiying Fan, Minghao Zhao, Youhe Zhou. 2009. Numerical solution of polarization saturation/dielectric breakdown model in 2D finite piezoelectric media. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 57: 1527-1544.
89.Haomiao Zhou, Youhe Zhou, Xiaojing Zheng. 2009. A general magnetoelastic coupling theory of deformable magnetized medium including magnetic forces and magnetostriction effects. CMC-Computers, Materials, & Continua, 12(3): 237-249.
90.Jun Zeng, Youhe Zhou Hua-Dong Yong. 2009. Kim model for stress distribution in a hollow cylindrical superconductor. Physica C, 469: 822-826.
91.Zhou Jun, Xingyi Zhang, Youhe Zhou. 2009. The Influences of cooling height on the levitation force of single-domain YBCO bulk, Modern Physics Letter B, 22: 2615-2624.
92.Zhiwen Gao, Youhe Zhou. 2009. Mode-II crack problem for a long rectangular slab of superconductor under an electromagnetic force. Chinese Physics Letters,26(2): 027403.
93.Jun Zhou, Xingyi Zhang, Youhe Zhou. 2009. Influences of cooling height and lateral moving speed on the levitation characteristics of YbaCuO bulks, Physica C, 469: 207-210.
94.Xingyi Zhang, Jun Zhou, Youhe Zhou, Liang, X.W. 2009. Relaxation property of magnetic force between a magnet and superconductor in an unsymmetrical levitation system. Superconductor Science & Technology, 22(2): 025006.
95.Xingyi Zhang, Jun Zhou, Youhe Zhou. 2009. Influencing factors of levitation drift caused by a magnet. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 22: 855-859
96.Zhiwen Gao, Youhe Zhou. 2008. Fracture behavior for long center slant cracked rectangular slab of superconductor under electromagnetic force. Modern Physics Letter B, 23(6), 825-834.
97.Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2008. Kim model of stress induced by flux pinning in type-II superconductors. Journal of Applied Physics, 103: 113903.
98.Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou, Zeng Jing. 2008. Crack problem in a long cylindrical superconductor. Journal of Applied Physics, 104: 113902
99.Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2008. Effect of non-superconducting particles on the effective magnetostriction of bulk superconductors. Journal of Applied Physics, 104: 043907
100.Haomiao Zhou, Youhe Zhou, Xiaojing Zheng. 2008. A general theoretical model of magnetostrictive constitutive relationships for soft ferromagnetic material rods. Journal of Applied Physics, 104: 023907.
101.Xingyi Zhang., Youhe Zhou, Jun Zhou. 2008. Suppression of magnetic force relaxation in a magnet-high Tc superconductor system. IEEE Trans. Applied Superconductivity, 18(3): 1687-1691.
102.Xingyi Zhang, Youhe Zhou, Jun Zhou. 2008. Experimental observation of a crossing in the force-displacement hesteretic curves of a melt processed YbaCuO bulk superconductor. Physica C, 468: 369-373.
103.Youhe Zhou, Xingyi Zhang, Jun Zhou. 2008. Relaxation transition due to different cooling processes in a superconducting levitation system, Journal of Applied Physics, 103: 123901.
104.Xingyi Zhang, Youhe Zhou, Jun Zhou. 2008. Modeling of symmetrical levitation force under different field cooling processes. Physica C, 468: 401-404.
105.Xingyi Zhang, Youhe Zhou, Jun Zhou. 2008. Effects of magnetic history on the levitation characteristics in a superconducting levitation system. Physica C, 468: 1013-1016.
106.Zhiwen Gao, Youhe Zhou. 2008. Fracture behaviors induced by thermal stress in an anisotropic half plane superconductor. Physics Letters A, 372: 5261-5264.
107.Zhiwen Gao, Youhe Zhou. 2008. Crack growth for a long rectangular slab of superconducting trapped-field magnets. Superconductor Science and Technology, 21:095010.
108.Youhe Zhou, Jun Zhou. 2008. A modified wavelet approximation of deflections for solving PDFs of beams and square thin plates. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 44(12-13): 773-783.
109.Xingyi Zhang, Youhe Zhou, Jun Zhou. 2008. Reconsideration of the levitation drift subject to a vibration of a permanent magnet. Modern Physics Letters B, 22(27): 2659 – 2666.
110.Daguang Zhang, Youhe Zhou. 2008. A theoretical analysis of FGM thin plates based on physical neutral surface. Computational Materials Science, 44: 716-720.
111.Youhe Zhou, Jun Zhou. 2008. A modified wavelet approximation for multiresolution AWCM in simulating nonlinear vibration of MDOF systems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 197 (17-18):1466–1478.
112.Xiaofan Gou, Xiaojing Zheng, Youhe Zhou. 2007. Drift of levitated/suspended body in high -Tc superconducting levitation system under vibration——Part I: A criterion based on magnetic force-cap relation for gap varying with time. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 17(3): 3795-3802.
113.Xiaofan Gou, Xiaojing Zheng, Youhe Zhou. 2007. Drift of levitated/suspended body in high-Tc superconducting levitation system under vibration——Part II: Drift velocity for gap varying with time. IEEE Trans. Applied Superconductivity, 17(3): 3802-3808.
114.Wanqing Li, Youhe Zhou. 2007. Statistical behaviors of different-sized grains lifting off in stochastic collisions between mixed sand grains and the bed in aeolian saltation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112: D22106.
115.Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2007. A mode III crack in a functionally graded piezoelectric strip bonded to two dissimilar piezoelectric half-planes. Composite Structures, 79: 404-410.
116.Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2007. Transient response of a cracked magnetoelectroelastic strip under anti-plane impact. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 44: 705-717.
117.Youhe Zhou, Huadong Yong. 2007. Crack problem for a long rectangular slab of superconductor under an electromagnetic force. Physical Review B, 76: 094523.
118.Xingyi Zhang, Youhe Zhou, Jun Zhou. 2007. Three dimensional measurements of forces between magnet and superconductor in a levitation system. Physical C, 467: 125-129.
119.Haomiao Zhou, Youhe Zhou, Xiaojing Zheng. 2007. Active vibration control of Terfenol-D rod of giant magnetostrictive actuator with nonlinear constitutive relations. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 45(4): 953-967.
120.Tianhu He, Youhe Zhou. 2007. A generalization magneto-thermoelastic coupled problem. Key Engineering Materials, 353-358: 1153-1156.
121.Haomiao Zhou, Youhe Zhou. 2007. Vibration suppression of laminated composite beams using actuators of giant magnetostrictive materials. Smart Materials and Structures, 16: 198-206.
122.Haomiao Zhou, Youhe Zhou, Xiaojing Zheng. 2007. Numerical simulation of nonlinear dynamic responses of beams laminated with giant magnetostrictive actuators. CMC-Computers Materials & Continua, 6(3): 201-211.
123.Jun Zhou, Youhe Zhou. 2007. A new simple method of implicit time integration for dynamic problems of engineering structures. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 23(1): 91–99.
124.Haomiao Zhou, Xiao Jing Zheng, Youhe Zhou. 2006. Active vibration control of nonlinear giant magnetostrictive actuators. Smart Materials and Structures, 15: 792-798.
125.Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2006. Transient anti-plane crack problem for two bonded functionally graded piezoelectric materials. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 76:497-509.
126.Huadong Yong, Youhe Zhou. 2006. Analysis of a mode III crack problem in a functionally graded coating-substrate system with finite thickness. International Journal of Fracture, 141: 459-467.
127.Youhe Zhou, Xuefeng Zhao. 2006. Dynamic analysis of superconducting levitation with hysteresis. Physical C, 442: 56-62.
128.Youhe Zhou, Xiaobin Yang. 2006. Numerical simulations of thermomagnetic instability in high c T superconductors: Dependence on sweep rate and ambient temperature. Physical Review B, 74: 054507.
129.Youhe Zhou, Wanqing Li, Xiaojing Zheng. 2006. Particle dynamics method simulations of stochastic collisions of sandy grain bed with mixed size in aeolian sand saltation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111: D15108.
130.Xiaojing Zheng, Ning Huang, Youhe Zhou. 2006. The effect of electrostatic force on the evolution of sand saltation cloud. The European Physical Journal E, 19(2): 129-138.
131.Ning Huang, Xiaojing Zheng., Youhe Zhou, R. Scott Van Palt. 2006. The simulation of wind-blown movement and probability density function of lift-off velocities of sand particles. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111: D20201.
132.Youhe Zhou, Xiaobin Yang. 2006. Characteristic of electromechanical interaction of MEMS shuffling actuator with nonlinear plate electrode. Mechanics of Materials, 38:33-40.
133.Ning Huang, Xiaojing Zheng, Youhe Zhou. 2006. A Multi-objective Optimization Method for Probability Density Function of Lift-off Speed of Wind-blown Sand Movement. Advances in Engineering Software, 37(1): 32-40.
134.Haomiao Zhou, Jie Wang, Youhe Zhou, Xiaojing Zheng. 2006. Optimal Track Seeking Control of Dual-Stage Actuator for High Density Hard Disk Drives. ACTA Mechanica Solida Sinica. 19(4): 297-306.
135.Xiaojing Zheng, Youhe Zhou, Zhang Q.J. 2005. The impact of grain-sizes on phonon thermal conductivity of bulk thermoelectric materials. Applied Physics Letters, 87: 242101.
136.Xiaojing Zheng, Jianjun Wu, Youhe Zhou. 2005. Effect of spring nonlinearity on dynamic stability of a controlled maglev vehicle and its guideway system. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 279(1-2): 201-215.
137.Xiaojing Zheng, Jianping Zhang, Youhe Zhou. 2005. Dynamic stability of a cantilever conductive plate in transverse impulsive magnetic field. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 42(8): 2417-2430.
138.Xiaojing Zheng, Xie Li., Youhe Zhou. 2005. Exploration of probability distribution of velocity of sand particles based on the stochastic particle-bed collisions. Physics Letters A, 341: 107-118
139.Youhe Zhou, Qinshu He, Xiaojing Zheng. 2005. Attenuation of electromagnetic wave propagation in sandstorms incorporating charged sand particles. The European Physical Journal E, 17: 181-187.
140.Xiaojing Zheng, Xiaofan Guo, Youhe Zhou. 2005. Influence of flux creep on dynamic behavior of the magnetic levitation systems with a high -Tc superconductor. IEEE Trans. Journal of Applied Superconductor. 15(3): 3856-3863
141.Li S.R., Youhe Zhou. 2005. Post-buckling of a hinged-fixed beam under uniformly distributed follower forces. Mechanics Research Communications, 32: 359-367.
142.Yuanwen Gao, Youhe Zhou, Zheng Xiaojing. 2004. Magneto-elastic-plastic Dynamic Characteristic Analysis of Ferromagnetic Beam-plate under the Pulse Magnetic Field. Key Engineering Material, 274-276: 1131-1136.
143.Youhe Zhou, Yuanwen Gao, Xiaojing Zheng. 2004. Perturbation analysis for magneto-plastic instability of ferromagnetic beam-plates with geometric imperfection. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 17(4): 297-306.
144.Jizeng Wang, Youhe Zhou, Huajian Gao. 2003. Computation of the Laplace inverse transform by application of the wavelet theory. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 19: 959-975.
145.Youhe Zhou, Yuanwen Gao, Xiaojing Zheng. 2003. Buckling and post-buckling analysis for magneto- elastic-plastic ferromagnetic beam-plates with unmovable simple supports. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 40: 2875-2887.
146.Xiaojing Zheng, Ning Huang, Youhe Zhou. 2003. Laboratory measurement of electrification of wind-blown sands and simulation of its effect on and saltation movement. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(D10): 4322.
147.Youhe Zhou Yuanwen Gao, Xiaojing Zheng. 2003. Analyses for magneto-elastic-plastic behaviors of non-linear ferromagnetic beam-plate with unmoved simple supports. Key Engineering Materials, 243-244: 559-564.
148.Xiang Guo, Xiaojing Zheng, Youhe Zhou. 2003. Research on theoretical predictions of electric field generated by wind-blown sand. Key Engineering Materials, 243-244: 583-588.
149.Xie Li, Xiaojing Zheng, Youhe Zhou. 2003. A theoretical study of distribution of initial velocity of sand particle saltation by collision. Key Engineering Materials, 243-244: 613-618.
150.Qingshu He, Xiaojing Zheng, Youhe Zhou. 2003. Scattering and attenuation of lectromagnetic waves in sand storm. Key Engineering Materials, 243-244: 577-582.
151.Youhe Zhou, Xiaobin Yang. 2003. Numerical analysis on snapping induced by electromechanical interaction of shuffling actuator with nonlinear plate. Computers and Struct., 81: 255-264.
152.Shirong Li, Changjun Chen, Youhe Zhou. 2003. Thermal post-buckling of an elastic beam subjected to a transversely non-uniform temperature rising. Applied Mathmatics and Mechanics, 24(5): 515-520.
153.Shirong Li, Youhe Zhou. 2003. Geometrically nonlinear analysis of Timoshenko beams under thermomechanical loadings. Journal of Thermal Stress, 26(9): 861-872.
154.Shirong Li, Youhe Zhou. 2002. Nonlinear vibration of heated orthotropic annular plates with immovably hinged edges. Journal of Thermal Stresses, 26(7): 691-700.
155.Youhe Zhou, Xu Guo, Xiaojing Zheng. 2002. Experimental measurement of wind-sand flux and sand transport for naturally mixed sands. Physical Review E, 66: 021305.
156.Shirong Li, Youhe Zhou, Xiaojing Zheng. 2002. Thermal post-buckling of a heated elastic rod with pinned-fixed ends. Journal of Thermal Stress, 25(1): 45-56.
157.Shirong Li, Youhe Zhou, Song X. 2002. Non-linear vibration and thermal buckling of an orthotropic annular plate with a centric rigid mass. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 251(1): 141-152.
158.Xiaojing Zheng, Youhe Zhou, Miya.K. 2001. An analysis of variable magnetic damping of a cantilever beam-plate with end coils in transverse magnetic fields. Fusion Engineering and Design, 55: 457-465.
159.Xiaojing Zheng, Youhe Zhou, Xiaopeng Yang, and Miya K. 2001. Analysis of dynamic stability of magneto-elastic coils in a three-coil partial torus. Fusion Engineering and Design, 54: 31-39.
160.Shirong Li, Youhe Zhou. 2001. Shooting method for non-linear vibration and thermal buckling of heated orthotropic circular plates. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 248(2): 379-386.
161.Youhe Zhou, Jiang Qing. 2001. Effects of Coiolis force and centrifugal force on acoustic waves propagating along the surface of a piezoelectric half-space. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics (ZAMP) , 52: 950-965.