Date of Birth:Sept. 24, 1964
Institution:College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Lanzhou University
Address:222 Tinashe Road, Lanzhou 730000, China
Fax: +86-931-8914561
Sep 1987 - Jun 1990: M.E. in Mechanics, School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics,Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China Supervisor: Prof. Tingdong Wang
Sep 1983 - Jun 1987: B.E. in Mechanics, Department of mechanics,Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Jun 1999- Jun 2006: Associate?professor, Department of Mechanics,
Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Apr 1993-May 1999: Lecturer, Department of Mechanics,
Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Jun 1990 - Mar 1993: Teaching assistant, Department of Mechanics,
Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
2011,Innovation research group of national natural science foundation of China,
key members
2009,Second prize of national teaching achievement,principle members
2008,National teaching team,principle members
2004,Ministry of education "new century excellent talents support program"
2002,Ministry of education outstanding young teachers funding program
2000,Key young teachers in colleges and universities under the ministry of education
2016-2020. Key national research and development programs:“Key technologies and
demonstrations for the prevention and control of desertification in semi-arid
desert areas of northern China”— “The physical-biological mechanism of the
formation of sandy land in the semi-arid desert areas of the north”,
Ministry of Science and Technology of the PRC,Co-I.
2015-2017. Innovation research group of national natural science foundation of China
“Nonlinear mechanics of interactions between complex environments and media” ,
2013-2017. Major projects of the national natural science foundation:Study on snow cover
distribution based on dynamic process of wind blowing snow in the upstream
hydrological model integration of heihe river,NSFC,Co-I.
2012-2014. Innovation research group of national natural science foundation of China:
Nonlinear mechanics of interactions between complex environments and media,
2009-2014.National key basic research and development planning fund projects (973):The
process of oasis transformation and desertification and its response to human
activities and climate change in arid areas,Ministry of Science and Technology
of the PRC,Co-I.
2007-2009. Study on mechanical mechanism and prediction model of soil wind erosion,
2005-2007. New century talent support program,MOE, PI.
2001-2005. National key basic research and development planning fund projects:
Mechanical mechanism of wind-sand movement and quantitative evaluation of
soil erosion,Preside over subtopics.
2002-2005. The ministry of education's outstanding young teachers funding program,
- Li Bing, Jiang an, Wu Jianjun. Study on wind field resistance characteristics of the rough surface of transverse rib,Acta Aerodynamica Sinica, 2016,34(4):517-523.
- Jian-Jun Wu, Sheng-Hu Luo, Li-Hong He. The characteristic of streamwise mass flux of windblown sand movement. Geomorphology, 2012, 139-140:188-194.
- Wu JianJun, Yan GuangHu. Analysis of the forces acting on the saltating particles in the coupled wind-sand-electricity fields. Science in China Series G, 2009, 52(2): 239-247.
- Wu JianJun, HanTianyi. Numerical study on water - heat - force coupling of saturated normal frozen soil. engineering mechanics. 2009, 26(4): 246-251.
- Wu JianJun, Yan Guanghu. Force analysis of jumping movement of sand grains in wind-sand electric multifield coupling. Science in China Series G, 2008, 38(8): 1-11.
- X. J. Zheng, J. J. Wu,Y. H. Zhou. Effect of spring non-linearity on dynamic stability of a controlled maglev vehicle and its guideway system. J. Sound and Vibration, 2005, 279: 201-215.
- X. J. Zheng, L. H. He, and J. J. Wu. Vertical profiles of mass flux for windblown sand movement at steady state. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2004, 109, B01106.
- Zheng Xiaojing, He Lihong, and Wu Jianjun.The feature of stratification in the blowing sand cloud. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2003, 48(14): 1493-1498.
- X. J. Zheng, J. J. Wu and Y. H. Zhou.Numerical analyses on dynamic control of five-degree- of-freedom maglev vehicle moving on flexible guideways. J. Sound and Vibration, 2000, 235(1): 43-61.
- Zhao Xishu, Wang Tingdong, Wu Jianjun.The photoviscoelastic modeling of the creep of frozen soil.Progress in Natural Science, 1996, 6(4): 465-471.