Name:Huadong Yong
Date of Birth:03/1982
Institution:College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Lanzhou University
Address:222 Tianshui Road, Lanzhou 730000, China
Fax: +86-931-891-4561
Date of Birth:03/1982
Institution:College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Lanzhou University
Address:222 Tianshui Road, Lanzhou 730000, China
Fax: +86-931-891-4561
B.S., Engineering Mechanics, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Shaanxi, China, 09/2000-06/2004
Ph.D., Solid Mechanics, Lanzhou University, Gansu, China, 09/2004-06/2010
Joint training at Harvard University, Boston, USA, 10/2008-02/2010
Ph.D., Solid Mechanics, Lanzhou University, Gansu, China, 09/2004-06/2010
Joint training at Harvard University, Boston, USA, 10/2008-02/2010
Lecturer, College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Lanzhou University, 07/2010-04/2011
Associate professor, College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Lanzhou University, 04/2011-04/2014
Professor, College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Lanzhou University, 04/2014-now
Associate professor, College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Lanzhou University, 04/2011-04/2014
Professor, College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Lanzhou University, 04/2014-now
Research Areas
Fracture mechanics of the electromagnetic solid
Electromagnetic behaviors in the superconductor
Numerical simulation of multi-physics coupling
Electromagnetic behaviors in the superconductor
Numerical simulation of multi-physics coupling
Visiting Positions
Members and Activities
Qiushi Scholarship, Lanzhou University, 2007
National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Nomination, 2012
New Century Talent Supporting Project, 2013
National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Nomination, 2012
New Century Talent Supporting Project, 2013
Main Courses
Research Grants
National Natural Science Foundation of China, 11472120, Researches on the electromechanical characteristics and tunability of electromagnetic behavior in the superconductor, 01/2014-12/2018
National Natural Science Foundation of China, 11202087, Basic Investigations on Key Mechanical Problems in Superconducting Film-Substrate Structure, 01/2013-12/2015
Refereed Publications
- S. J. Wang, H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou, Calculations of the AC losses in superconducting cables and coils: Neumann boundary conditions of the T–A formulation. Superconductor Science and Technology, 2022, 35: 065013.
- M. D. Niu, H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou, 3D modelling of coupled electromagnetic-mechanical responses in REBCO coils involving tape inhomogeneity. Superconductor Science and Technology, 2022, 35: 054009.
- D. H. Liu, D. K. Li, W. W. Zhang, H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou, Electromagnetic-thermal -mechanical characteristics with active feedback control in a high-temperature superconducting no-insulation magnet. Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2022, 65: 294612.
- D. K. Li, D. H. Liu, H. D. Yong, Ramping loss and mechanical response in a no-insulation high-temperature superconducting layer-wound coil and intra-layers no-insulation coil. Science China Technological Sciences, 2022, 65: 115–130.
- Y. K. Tang, D. H. Liu, D. K. Li, H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou, A modified model to estimate the screening current-induced magnetic field of a REBCO magnet. Superconductor Science and Technology, 2022, 35: 045013.
- X. B. Peng, H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou, Three-dimensional simulation of single-lap and bridge joints of coated conductor under tension and bending tests. Composite Structures, 2022, 284: 115146.
- S. J. Wang, H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou, Modified FFT-based method for the calculations of the thin superconductors with transport current. AIP Advances, 2021, 11:035103.
- M. D. Niu, J. Xia, H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou, Quench characteristics and mechanical responses during quench propagation in rare earth barium copper oxide pancake coils. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 2021, 42: 235–250.
- D. H. Liu, D. K. Li, W. W. Zhang, H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou, Electromagnetic-thermal-mechanical behaviors of a no-insulation double-pancake coil induced by a quench in the self field and the high field. Superconductor Science and Technology, 2021, 34: 025014.
- Z. D. Chen, H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou, Manipulation of vortex arrays with thermal gradients by applying dynamic heat sources. Superconductor Science and Technology, 2021, 34: 045005.
- H. T. Shen, Y. Y. Ru, H. W. Wu, X. K. Hu, H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou, Three-dimensional peridynamic modeling of crack initiation and propagation in bulk superconductor during field cooling magnetization. Superconductor Science and Technology, 2021, 34: 085020.
- M. D. Niu, J. Xia, H. D. Yong, Numerical analysis of the electromechanical behavior of high-field REBCO coils in all-superconducting magnets. Superconductor Science and Technology, 2021, 34: 115005.
- Y. Yang, H. D. Yong, X. Y. Zhang, Y. H. Zhou, Numerical Simulation of Superconducting Generator Based on the T-A Formulation. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2020, 30: 5207611.
- H. W. Wu, H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou, Analysis of mechanical behavior in inhomogeneous high-temperature superconductors under pulsed field magnetization. Superconductor Science and Technology, 2020, 33: 124002.
- H. Chen, H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou, XFEM analysis of the fracture behavior of bulk superconductor in high magnetic field. Journal of Applied Physics, 2019, 125: 103901.
- D. H. Liu, W. W. Zhang, H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou, Numerical analysis of thermal stability and mechanical response in a no-insulation high-temperature superconducting layer-wound coil. Superconductor Science and Technology, 2019, 32: 044001.
- Y. Y. Ru, H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou, Numerical simulation of dynamic fracture behavior in bulk superconductors with an electromagnetic-thermal model. Superconductor Science and Technology, 2019, 32: 074001.
- D. H. Liu, W. W. Zhang, H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou, Thermal stability and mechanical behavior in no-insulation high temperature superconducting pancake coils. Superconductor Science and Technology, 2018, 31: 085010.
- Y. Yang, H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou, Electro-mechanical behavior in arrays of superconducting tapes. Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, 124: 073902.
- Y. R. Lu, Z. Jing, H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou, Flux avalanche in thin superconducting film with internal crack. Science China-Physics Mechanics and Astronomy, 2018, 61: 094621.
- Z. D. Chen, H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou, Effect of pinning on the vortex motion in superconducting strip. Physica C, 2018, 552: 22-26.
- Y. Y. Ru, H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou, Fracture analysis of bulk superconductors under electromagnetic force. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2018, 199: 257-273.
- Y. Yang, H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou, Mechanical behavior in superconducting composite wires. European Journal of Mechanics A-Solids, 2018, 70: 191-202.
- H. W. Wu, H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou, Stress analysis in high-temperature superconductors under pulsed field magnetization. Superconductor Science and Technology, 2018, 31: 045008.
- Z. Y. Wang, H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou, Degradation of critical current in Bi2212 composite wire under compression load. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 2017, 38: 1773-1784.
- B. X. Liu, Z. Jing, H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou, Strain distributions in superconducting strands with twisted filaments. Composite Structures, 2017, 174: 158-165.
- Y. R. Lu, Z. Jing, H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou, Flux avalanche in a superconducting film with non-uniform critical current density. Proceedings of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2016, 472: 20160469.
- H. D. Yong, Z. Jing, and Y. H. Zhou, Crack problem for superconducting strip with finite thickness. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2014, 51: 886-893.
- H. D. Yong, M. Zhao, Z. Jing, and Y. H. Zhou, Effect of shear stress on electromagnetic behaviors in superconductor-ferromagnetic bilayer structure. Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, 116: 123911.
- H. D. Yong, X. Z. He, Y. H. Zhou, Dynamics of a thick-walled dielectric elastomer spherical shell. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2011, 49: 792-800.
- H. D. Yong, F. Z. Liu, Y. H. Zhou, Analytical solutions of the Ginzburg-Landau equations for deformable superconductors in a weak magnetic field. Applied Physics Letter, 2010, 97: 162505.
- Y. H. Zhou, H. D. Yong, Crack problem for a long rectangular slab of superconductor under an electromagnetic force. Physical Review B, 2007, 76: 094523.
H. D. Yong, Y. H. Zhou, Transient response of a cracked magnetoelectroelastic strip under anti-plane impact. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2007, 44: 705-717.