Personal Information
Name: Fanyu Zhang
Date of Birth: Mar. 5, 1983
Nationality: China
Institution: College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Lanzhou University
Address: 222 South Tianshui Road, Lanzhou 730000, China
Fax: +86-931-891-4561
Email: zhangfy@lzu.edu.cn
Sept. 2007-Dec. 2011 Ph.D. in Engineering Geology, College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics,
Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Supervisor: Prof. Wenfeng Han and Prof. Wenwu Chen
Sept. 2009-Sept. 2011 Doctoral Research Student at Research Center on Landslides,
Kyoto University, Japan
Supervisor: Prof. Toshitaka Kamai and Dr. Gonghui Wang
Sept. 2004-Jun. 2007 M.E. in Geotechnical Engineering, College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Supervisor: Prof. Gao Liu
Sept. 2000-Jun. 2004 B.E. in Engineering Geology, College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Jul. 2019- present Professor, College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics,
Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Jun. 2014-Jul. 2019 Associate Professor, College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics,
Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
May 2015-Jul. 2015 Foreign Researcher, Research Center on Landslides, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Uiji, Japan
May 2014-Aug. 2015 Long-term Research Visit, Research Center on Landslides, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Uiji, Japan
May 2013-Jul. 2013 Co-researcher, Research Center on Landslides, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Uiji, Japan
Apr. 2012-May 2014 Lecturer, College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics,
Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Research Areas
Properties and behavior of loess
Mechanism of loess landslides
Monitoring of loess landslides
Simulation of loess landslides
Visiting Positions
Jan. 2017-Present Adjunct Professor, Department of Geological Engineering, Chang’an University, Xian, China
Members and Activities
Jan. 2017-Present Fellow of Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance
Aug. 2015-Present Member of the youth working committee in Chinese professional board in engineering geology
Research Grants
2020-2023 The mechanism of initiation and mobility of irrigation induced loess flowslide, NSFC, PI
2019-2021 The mechanism of failure and deformation of the loess cutting slopes (Part 2-3), NKRDP, PI
2018-2019 Hazard assessment and mitigation Debris flow in Chinese Loess Plateau, Department of Land and Resources of Gansu Province, PI
2018-2022 Failure mechanism of loess slope and its catastrophic effect on land reclamation project by gully-hill controlling-part 3, NSFC, PI
2018-2020 A comparison study on the earthquake-induced flowsliding phenomena occurring in Chinese loess and Japanese pyroclastic deposited areas, Kyoto University, PI
2017-2018 Experimental study on physicochemical and mechanical properties of loess and red clay in Tianshui area, China Geology Survey, PI
2016-2017 Failure mechanism of loess filled embankments, SKLGP, PI
2015-2016 Field study on reactivation mechanism of catastrophic loess flowslides, Lanzhou University, PI
2014-2014 Comparison study on the coseismic fluidized landslides in Chinese loess area and Japanese pyroclastic area, and hazard mitigation, Kyoto University, PI
2013-2017 Experimental study of the water and salt migration effects on shear behavior in loess slopes, NSFC, PI
Refereed Publications
1. Fanyu Zhang*, Binbin Yan, Xiaoming Feng, Hengxing Lan*, Chao Kang, Xishan Lin, Xinghua Zhu, Wenguo Ma, A rapid loess mudflow triggered by the check dam failure in a bulldoze mountain area, Lanzhou, China. Landslides. 2019, 16, 1981-1992.
2. Kang Chao, Fanyu Zhang*, Fazhen Pan, Jianbing Peng, Characteristics and dynamic runout analyses of 1983 Saleshan landslide. Engineering Geology. 2018, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2018.07.006.
3. Fanyu Zhang*, Xiaowei Huang, Trend and spatiotemporal distribution of fatal landslides triggered by non-seismic effects in China, Landslide, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10346-018-1007-z.
4. Ran Kong, Fanyu Zhang*, Gonghui Wang, Jianbing Peng. Stabilization of Loess Using Nano-SiO2. Materials 11(6), 1014.
5. Fanyu Zhang, Jiaxuan Zhang*, Effects of pore water chemistry on hydraulic conductivity of saturated loess, Lowland Technology International 2018, 20(1), 31-41.
6. Jianbing Peng, Jianqi Zhuang*, Gonghui Wang, Fuchu Dai, Fanyu Zhang, Weiliang Huang, Qiang Xu*, Liquefaction of loess landslides as a consequence of irrigation, Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 2018, 47, 201-210.
7. Fanyu Zhang*, Xiangjun Pei, Xude Yan, Physicochemical and mechanical properties of lime-treated loess, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 2018, 36, 685-696.
8. Fanyu Zhang*, Ran Kong, Jianbing Peng, Effects of heating on compositional, structural, and physicochemical properties of loess under laboratory conditions, Applied Clay Science, 2018, 152, 259-266
9. Fanyu Zhang *, Gonghui Wang, Effect of irrigation-induced densification on the post-failure behavior of loess flowslides occurring on the Heifangtai area, Gansu, China, Engineering Geology, 2018, 236, 111-118.
10. Fanyu Zhang, Chao Kang*, Dave Chan, Xiaochao Zhang, Xiangjun Pei, Jianbing Peng*, A study of a flow slide with significant entrainment in loess areas in China. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2017, 42, 2295-2305.
11. Guanghui Dong*, Fanyu Zhang*, Fengwen Liu, Dongjun Zhang, Aifeng Zhou, Yishi Yang, Gonghui Wang, Multiple evidences indicate no relationship between prehistoric disasters in Lajia site and outburst flood in upper Yellow River valley, China. Science China Earth Sciences, 2017, doi: 10.1007/s11430-017-9079-3.
12. Yao Jiang, Wenwu Chen, Gonghui Wang, Guanpin Sun, Fanyu Zhang, Influence of initial dry density and water content on the soil–water characteristic curve and suction stress of a reconstituted loess soil. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2017, 76, 1085-1095.
13. Jianbing Peng, Fanyu Zhang*, Gonghui Wang. Rapid loess flow slides in Heifangtai terrace, Gansu, China. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 2017, 50, 106-110.
14. Guanghui Dong*, Fanyu Zhang, Fengwen Liu, Dongju Zhang, Jianye Han, Gonghui Wang, Fahu Chen. Multiple evidences don’t support the conjecture of China's Great Flood at 1920 BCE, Science-eLetters, 2017, http://science.sciencemag.org/content/353/6299/579/tab-e-letters.
15. Runqiang Zeng, Xinming Meng*, Fanyu Zhang, Siyuan Wang, Zhijie Cui, Maosheng Zhang, Yi Zhang, Guan Chen. Characterizing hydrological processes on loess slopes using electrical resistivity tomography – A case study of the Heifangtai Terrace, Northwest China. Journal of Hydrology, 2016, 541, 742-753.
16. Gonghui Wang, Gen Furuya, Fanyu Zhang, Issei Doi, Naoki Watanabe, Akihiko Wakai, Hideaki Marui. Layered internal structure and breaching risk assessment of the Higashi-Takezawa landslide dam in Niigata, Japan. Geomorphology, 2016, 267, 48-58.
17. Xiaochuan Ren, Yuanming Lai, Fanyu Zhang, Hu Kai. Test method for determination of optimum moisture content of soil and maximum dry density. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2015, 19, 2061-2066.
18. Xiangjun Pei, Fanyu Zhang*, Wanjiong Wu, Shouyun Liang. Physicochemical and index properties of loess stabilized with lime and fly ash piles. Applied Clay Science, 2015, 114, 77-84.
19. Fanyu Zhang*, Gonghui Wang, Toshitaka Kamai, Wenwu Chen. Effect of pore-water chemistry on undrained shear behaviour of saturated loess, Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 2014, 47, 201-210.
20. Guanghui Dong*, Fanyu Zhang*, Minmin Ma, Yuxin Fan, Jiawu Zhang, Zongli Wang, Fahu Chen. Ancient landslide-dam events in the Jishi Gorge, Guanting Basin, upper Yellow River valley, China, Quaternary Research, 2014, 81, 445-451.
21. Fanyu Zhang*, Xiangjun Pei, Wenwu Chen, Gao Liu, Shouyun Liang. Spatial variation in geotechnical properties and topographic attributes on the different type of shallow landslides in a loess catchment, China. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2014, 18(4), 470-488.
22. Gonghui Wang, Akira Suemine, Fanyu Zhang, Yoshiya Hata, Hiroshi Fukuoka, Toshitaka Kamai. Some fluidized landslides triggered by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, Japan. Geomorphology, 2014, 208, 11-21.
23. Fanyu Zhang, Gonghui Wang, Toshitaka Kamai, Wenwu Chen, Dexun Zhang, Jun Yang, Undrained shear behavior of loess saturated at different concentrations of sodium chlorate solution. Engineering Geology, 2013, 155, 69-79.
24. Fanyu Zhang, Wenwu Chen, Gao Liu, Shouyun Liang, Chao Kang, Faguo He. Relationships between landslide types and topographic attributes in a loess catchment, China, Journal of Mountain Science, 2012, 9(6), 742-751.
25. Dexuan Zhang, Gonghui Wang, Tianjun Yang, Mingchu Zhang, Shihai Chen, Fanyu Zhang. Satellite remote sensing-based detection of the deformation of a reservoir bank slope in Laxiwa Hydropower Station, China. Landslides, 2013, 10(2), 231-238.
26. Gonghui Wang, Runqiu Huang, Toshitaka Kamai, Fanyu Zhang. The internal structure of a rockslide dam induced by the 2008 Wenchuan (Mw7.9) earthquake, China, Engineering Geology, 2013, 156, 28-36.
27. Fanyu Zhang, Gao Liu, Wenwu Chen, Shouyun Liang, Ranshen Chen. Human-induced landslide on a high cut slope: a case of repeated failures due to multi-excavation, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, 4(4), 367-374.
28. Gonghui Wang, Runqiu Huang, Toshitaka Kamai, Fanyu Zhang, On the internal structure and stability of a landslide dam formed by long traveling landslide: a case study on Tianchi landslide dam triggered by the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. Journal of Japan Landslide Society. 2012, 49(4): 186-195.
29. Jin Liu, Gonghui Wang, Toshitaka Kamai, Fanyu Zhang, Jun Yang, Bin Shi, Static liquefaction behavior of saturated fiber-reinforced sand in undrained ring-shear tests. Geotextiles and Geomembranes. 2011, 29(5), 462-471.
30. Fawu Wang, Muhammad Wafid A.N., Fanyu Zhang, Atsuo Takeuchi, Tandikek and Malalak flowslides triggered by West Sumatra earthquake 2009 (M7.6) in Indonesia. Journal of the Japan Landslide Society. 2011, 48(4), 215-220.
31. Fanyu Zhang, Gao Liu, Wenwu Chen, Wenfeng Han, Shibiao Bai, Engineering geology and stability of the Jishixia landslide, Yellow River, China. Bulletin of Engineering Geology Environment. 2010, 69(1): 99-103.
32. Fawu Wang, Muhammad Wafid A.N., Fanyu Zhang, Tandikek and Malalak flowslides triggered by 2009.9.30 M7.6 Sumatra earthquake during rainfall in Indonesia. Geoscience Rept. Shimane University. 2010, 29, 1-10.