Brief Biography
Dr.Yuanwen Gao is a professor in the Department of Mechanics and Engineering Science at Lanzhou University. He was born in Gansu Province, China, in 1974. He received the B.S., M.S and Ph. D. degree from Lanzhou University, China, in 1996, 1999 and 2002, respectively. He had worked as a postdoctor in Max-Planck Institute of Metals Researches at Germany from September of 2005 to August of 2006, and as a contract researcher in KAIST at Korea from December of 2008 to February of 2009. He has published over 100 refereed journal papers, and delivered over 20 invited/keynote talks and lectures.
Research Interests
He is now interested in developing the mechanical-electric coupling model of superconducting wire, cable and magnets system for investigating the coupling characteristics between the undesired degradation of superconducting performance and the deformation of superconducting cables. His other research topics include the nonlinear dynamic magnetoelectric effect of the layered composites, the nonlinear coupling characteristics of the deformable ferromagnetic structures, the tenability of bandgap of magnetoelastic phononic crystal structures, the modeling and optimization on the thermoelectric materials and structures, and the mechanical behaviors of the protein microtubules, graphene, etc.
Awards, prizes, and honours
1. Excellent postgraduate’s supervisor of Gansu Province ( 2016);
2. The “Longji” education Prize of Lanzhou University (2013)
3. “Xu Zhilun” Excellent teacher award for mechanics of CSTAM (2011)
4. New Century Excellent talent program of the Ministry of Education (2006)
5. The first prize of Natural Science nominated by the Ministry of Education (4/7) (2005)
Refereed Publications
1. Shifa Fan,Yuanwen Gao, 2018, Numerical simulation on thermoelectric and mechanical performance of annular thermoelectric generator, Energy 150 (2018) 38-48
2. Jianbiao Wen, Juanjuan Zhang , Yuanwen Gao, 2017, A coupling finite element model for analysis the nonlinear dynamic magnetoelectric response of tri-layer laminate composites , Composite Structures 166 : 163–176
3. Jianbiao WangYuanwen Gao, 2016, Nonlocal orthotropic shell model applied on wave propagation in microtubules, Applied Mathematical Modelling 40: 5731–5744
4. Xu Wang, Yingxu Li, Yuanwen Gao, 2016 Mechanical behaviors of multi-filament twist superconducting strand under tensile and cyclic loading,Cryogenics 73: 14–24
5. Juanjuan Zhang, Yuanwen Gao, 2015, Effects of hysteresis and temperature on magnetoelectric effect in giant magnetostrictive/piezoelectric composites, International Journal of Solids and Structures 69–70:291–304
6. Xiaodong Jia, Yuanwen Gao, 2015,Optimal design of a novel thermoelectric generator with linear-shaped structure under different operating temperature conditions, Applied Thermal Engineering 78:533-542
7. Yingxu Li, Yuanwen Gao, 2015, Anisotropic critical-state model of type-II superconducting slabs, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 28:095002
8. Yang Shi, Yuanwen Gao,2014,A nonlinear magnetoelectric model for magnetoelectric layered composite with coupling stress. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 360:131–136
9. Wurui Ta, Yingxu Li, Yuanwen Gao, 2014,Electromagnetic behaviors of superconducting Nb3Sn wire under a time-dependent current injection, AIP Advances 4:087131
10. Yuanwen Gao, Juanjuan Zhang,2013,Nonlinear magnetoelectric transient responses of a circular-shaped magnetoelectric layered structure. Smart Materials and Structures, 2013, 22: 015015
11. Yuanwen Gao, Bang Xu , Hoon Huh, 2010, Electromagneto-thermo-mechanical behaviors of conductive circular plate subject to time-dependent magnetic fields, Acta Mechanica, 210(1-2): 99-116
12. Yuanwen Gao, Peng Hao, 2009, Mechanical properties of monolayer graphene under tensile and compressive loading, Physica E, 41: 1561-1566.