Personal Information
Name: Faguo He
Date of Birth: Feb. 29, 1980
Nationality: China
Institution: College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Lanzhou University
Address: 222 South Tianshui Road, Lanzhou 730000, China
Tel: +86-13669385318
Email: hefg@lzu.edu.cn
Sept. 2006-Jun. 2009 Ph.D. in Engineering Geology, College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics,
Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Supervisor: Prof. Wenfeng Han and Prof. Wenwu Chen
Sept. 2003-Jun. 2006 M.E. in Geotechnical Engineering, College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Supervisor: Prof. Wenwu Chen
Sept. 1999-Jun. 2003 B.E. in Engineering Geology, College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Oct. 2017- Oct. 2018 Academic Visitor, School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Jul. 2009- present Lecturer, College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics,
Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Research Areas
Rock and Soil Engineering, Geological Disaster Control, Heritage Conservation
Visiting Positions
Members and Activities
Apr. 2018-Present Member of the Committee for Conservation and Reinforcement of Ancient Sites of the Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering
Research Grants
2017-2018 Research on design and evaluation of the cultural and natural heritage-The Great Wall in Jiayuguan, Bureau of cultural relics of Jiayuguan, PI
2015-2018 Research on conservation planning of the Linjia Site, Research Institute of Linjia Site, PI
2014-2015 Study on grouting test of SH material applied to cracks in earthen sites, Lanzhou University, PI
2010-2012 Study on the mechanism of collapsible loess foundation reinforced by macromolecule material SH, Lanzhou University, PI
2008-2010 Study on coupling properties of PS- (C+F) and soil properties of soil fracture sites in Northwest China, Dunhuang academy, PI
Refereed Publications
1. He Faguo, Zhou Jin Zhang Jingke, Research on correlation analysis of microstructure indices and strength of solidified soil of sites with PS material, Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Science), 2018, 54, 15-19.
2. YUAN Bin, HE fa-guo*, LI Jun-peng, Relationship between debris flow activity and precipitation characteristics in Wudu area, Gansu province, Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Sciences),2012,48,15-20.
3. HE Fa-guo, CHEN Wen-wu, Zhao Haiying, etc, Experimental research of PS reinforcing earthen architecture, Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology), 2010,41,1132-1138.
4. HE Fa-guo, CHEN Wen-wu, HAN Wen-Feng, etc, Correlation of microstructure indices and performance of sand solidified with polymer material SH, Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2009,30,3083-3880.
5. He Faguo,Chen Wenwu,Zhang Jingke,etc. Application of surface wave method in cranny grouting of cliff in earthen architecture. Proceedings of International Symposium on Conservation of Ancient Sites&ISRM-Sponsored Regional Symposium,2008,266-270.
6. HE Faguo, CHEN Wenwu, HAN Wenfeng, etc. Indoor test and researches on cementing agents of carbon fiber, the 10th National Conference on rock mechanics and Engineering, 2008,115-119
7. He Faguo, Chen Wenwu, Zhang Jingke, etc. Study on the cranny grouting of cliff body in the 41-3 subregion of Jiaohe Ancient City, Dunhuang Research, 2008,6,23-28.
8. He Faguo, Chen Wenwu, Zhang Jingke, etc. Experimental study on strengthening the soil of Jiaohe Ancient City by PS material, Dunhuang Research,2007,5,32-35.
9. He Faguo, Chen Wenwu, Han Wenfeng, Experiments and researches of PS reinforcing ancient cities soil, Journal of Engineering Geology,2007,15(supp.),362-366.
10. He Faguo, Chen Wenwu, Wang Yinmei, Experimental study on a new type of polymer sand fixing material SH, Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Science),2004,12(supp.), 538-541.
11. Zhao Haiying, He Faguo, Chen Wenwu, Protection and reinforcement of grotto sites in the Northwest Arid Area, Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Science),2004,12(supp.), 77-79.