Personal Information
Name: Yajun Wang
Date of Birth: Dec. 1, 1978
Nationality: China
Institution: College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Lanzhou University
Address: 222 South Tianshui Road, Lanzhou 730000, China
Tel: +86-***-***-****, Fax: +86-931-891-4561
Email: qawyj@lzu.edu.cn
Sept. 2002-Jun. 2005 M.E. in Bridge and Tunnel Engineering, College of Civil Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou, China
Supervisor: Prof. Gao Liu
Sept. 1997-Jun. 2002 B.E. in Civil Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, Shijiazhuang Tiedao
University, Shijiazhuang, China
Sept. 2009-present Lecturer, College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics,
Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Jun. 2005-Sept. 2009 Assistant, College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics,
Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Jun. 2000-Sept. 2001 Assistant Engineer, Fourth engineering co. LTD,
China railway 20 bureau group corporation, Xi’an, China
Research Areas
1. Bridge structure theory
2. Structural theoretical analysis
3. Repair and reinforce ancient buildings
4. Building environment monitoring
Visiting Positions
Members and Activities
2017 Excellent supervisor of undergraduate dissertation(design) of Lanzhou university
2016 Advanced individuals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship education, Third prize
2018 Gansu Province college student structural design competition, First prize
Research Grants
Jan. 2010- Dec. 2017: Lanzhou University
2016-2017 Study on mechanical properties of continuous beam based on wheel load characteristics, Supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China, PI
2014-2015 Study on mechanical properties of corrugated steel web girder, Supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China, PI
2013-2015 Study on Xuanzang road protection and utilization planning in guazhou county, Enterprises and institutions entrust science and technology projects, Co- III
2010-2012 Stability analysis of surrounding rock of Mogao grottoes, Supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China, PI
Refereed Publications
1. Wang Yajun, Di Jin. A reasonable length ratio between side span and mid-span of continuous beams with uniform section. Journal of Lanzhou university(Natural sciences), 2016, 52(3): 320-327.
2. Wang Yajun, Guo Qinlin, Zhang Yanjie, Ma Yawei. Characteristics of the Ambient Temperature at Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes. Dunhuang Research, 2014, 146(4): 121-126.
3. Wang Yajun, Zhang Yanjie, Guo Qinlin, Yang Shanlong, Zhang Guobin. Characteristics of temperature and relative humidity of Cave 87, Mogao Grottoes. Journal of Lanzhou university(Natural sciences),2014,50(1): 1-6
4. Wang Yajun, Ma Yawei, Yang Wenwei. The application of flowchart method for design principle of concrete structure. Journal of Architectural Education in Institutions of Higher Learning, 2013,22(6): 100-103.
5. Wang Yajun, Jie Dai, Feng Jiang Qin. Parametric Analysis on Incrementally Launched Construction for Concrete Box Girder. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 838-841: 231-236
6. Han Bin, Wang Yajun. Analysis of disease and treatment measures of hollow slab main girder in Weilai expressway. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development(Application technology edition),2012, 21(4): 20-23.
7. Wang Yajun,Yu Kun,Cai Shiqiang. Testing and Evaluation of Single Beam of Highway Prestressed Concrete Hollow Slab Beam Bridge. Bridge construction,2011, 5: 36-39.
8. Liu Fengkui, Lin Pengzhen, Wang Yajun. An Intelligent System for Superelevation of Outer Rail on Curves. Urban Mass Transit. 2009, (01): 66-67