Personal Information
Name: Qingsong Mu
Date of Birth: Apr. 7, 1971
Nationality: China
Institution: College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Lanzhou University
Address: 222 South Tianshui Road, Lanzhou 730000, China
Tel: +86-***-***-****, Fax: +86-931-891-4561
Email: muqs@lzu.edu.cn
Sept. 1999-Dec. 2002 Ph.D. in Solid Mechanics, School of Physical Science and Technology,
Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Supervisor: Prof. Tiande Miao
Sept. 1996-Jun. 1999 M.E. in Solid Mechanics, Department of Mechanics,
Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Supervisor: Prof. Tiande Miao
Sept. 1992-Jun. 1996 B.S. in Mechanics of Theory and Application, Department of Mechanics,
Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Apr. 2007-present Associate Professor, College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics,
Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Jan. 2003-Mar. 2007 Lecturer, College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics,
Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Jul. 1999-Dec. 2002 Tutor, School of Physical Science and Technology,
Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Research Areas
Engineering mechanics; Mechanics of rock and soil; Mechanics of frozen soil; Mechanics of mine; Mechanics of granular matter; Environmental fluid mechanics; Physics of blown sand
Awards for Meritorious Teaching Granted by College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Lanzhou University in 2006.
Research Grants
Jan 2002-present: Lanzhou University
May 2017-Dec. 2017 Program design on the load realization of centrifuge experiment with high dynamic condition, Latitudinal Project, Institute of Systems Engineering, China Academy of Engineering Physics, PI
Jan. 2016-Dec. 2017 Numerical model on frost heave of high-speed railway subgrade by considering moisture condensation under covered membranae, Latitudinal Project, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, CAS, PI
Jan. 2011-Dec. 2013 Study on stress chain, arch effect and failure mode of gravel piles and crushed rock subgrades, NSFC, PI
Jan. 2007-Dec. 2011 Stability analysis on open pit and safety pillar for underground mining of lean ore in western stope of Longshou mine, Latitudinal Project, Jinchuan Group CO., LTD., PI
Jan 2005-Dec 2007 Study on the self organization nature of granular material under dynamic excitation, NSFC, PI
Jun. 2004-Oct. 2005 Stress field analysis and safety assessment on the mining of 1150-m horizontal jamb in Jinchuan No. 2 mine area, Latitudinal Project, Jinchuan Group CO., LTD., Co-PI
Jan. 2003-Dec. 2005 Computer discrete model on erosion and sediment caused by wind in atmospheric boundary layer, Foundation of Ph D Program, Ministry of Education, Co-PI
Jan. 2002-Dec. 2004 Dynamic mechanism on the occurrence and evolution of desert topography pattern, NSFC, Co-PI
Refereed Publications
1. Qingsong Mu, Analysis of substrate curvature and film stress through a reformed mathematical description on mismatch strain, AIP Advances, 2018, 083806.
2. MU Qing-song, Theoretic analysis on the buckling of a simply supported compressible elastic rod under the axial pressure, Engineering Mechanics, 2013, 30(11), 185-191. (in Chinese)
3. Min Hu, Qing-Song Mu, Ning Luo, Gang Li and Ning-Bo Peng, Behavior of hollow balls containing granules bouncing repeatedly off the ground, Europhysics Letters, 2013, 103, 14003(1), p1-p6.
4. MU Qing-song, MA Chong-wu, MA Jun-wei and HUA Tuo, Experimental study and theoretical analysis of the stress propagation in a stone column, Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Sciences), 2013, 49(5), 627-632. (in Chinese)
5. Qingsong Mu, Effect of nonerodible grains on wind erosion control, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2010, 115, D21103, p1-p10.
6. MA Chong-wu, MU Qing-Song and JIANG Hong-ying, Granular-material-induced active lateral pressures on convex-arc walls, Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2010, 31(3), 794-798. (in Chinese)
7. Yi Chen-Hong, Mu Qing-Song and Miao Tian-De, Discrete element method simulation on the force chains in the two-dimensional granular system under gravity, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2009, 58(11), 7750-7755. (in Chinese)
8. Zhi-bao Dong, Qing-song Mu, Wan-yin Luo, Guang-qiang Qinan, Ping Lu and Hongtao Wang, An analysis of drag force and moment for upright porous wind fences, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2008, 113, D04103, p1-p8
9. Mu Qingsong, Liao Jianghai, Ma Chongwu and Miao Tiande, Effect of rough elements on soil erosion, ACTA PEDOLOGICA SINICA, 2008, 45(6), 1026-1033. (in Chinese)
10. MU Qing-song, MA Chong-wu and CHEN Xiao-hui, Conserving effects of rough granular elements on erodible ground, Engineering Mechanics, 2008, 25(3), 211-215. (in Chinese)
11. Yuan Liu, Qing-Song Mu, Tian-De Miao and Jiang-Hai Liao, Experimental investigation about cyclic oscillations of a binary vibrofluidized granular mixture in N connected compartments, Europhysics Letters, 2008, 84, 14004, p1-p5.
12. Yi Chen-Hong, Mu Qing-Song and Miao Tian-De, The DEM simulation for two-dimension granular system with point defects, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2008, 57(6), 3636-3640. (in Chinese)
13. MA Chong-wu, MU Qing-song, XU You-ji and MIAO Tian-de, Yield process of the 1150-m horizontal jamb in Jinchuan No. 2 Mine area, Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2008, 30(3), 361-365. (in Chinese)
14. Dong Zhibao, Mu QingSong and Wang Hongtao, Numerical and experimental simulation of the wind velocity profile with a blowing sand cloud, Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 2008, 66(2), 158-166. (in Chinese)
15. MA Chongwu, MU Qingsong, MA Junwei and HUA Tuo, Testing research on load transfer modes of single and multiple gravel piles, Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2008, 27(supp.1), 3116-3121. (in Chinese)
16. MA Chong-wu, MU Qing-song, MA Jun-wei and WANG Wei-ping, Resistant-drawn force of a pile imbedded in granular material within a barrel, Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Sciences), 2008, 44(1), 96-101. (in Chinese)
17. WANG Li-juan, MU Qing-song and MIAO Tian-de, Coupled action of stress concentration between holes and its engineering application, Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Sciences), 2008, 44(3), 123-126. (in Chinese)
18. Zhibao Dong, Qingsong Mu and Xiaopiu Liu, Defining the Threshold wind velocity for moistened sediments, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2007, 112, B08202, p1-p10.
19. Zhibao Dong, Qingsong Mu and Hongtao Wang, Wind velocity profiles with a blowing sand boundary layer: Theoretical simulation and experimental validation, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2007, 112, D19106, p1-p10.
20. Ma Chongwu, Mu Qingsong, Yi Chenhong and Miao Tiande, Numerical simulation of the earth surface cracks in No. 2 mining area of Jinchuan nickel mine, MINING R & D, 2007, 27(4), 9-11,42. (in Chinese)
21. Ma Chongwu, Mu Qingsong, Miao Tiande and Wang Lijuan, Relationship between In-Situ rock stress field and weak intercalation in Jinchuan mine, METAL MINE, 2007, 11(Series 377), 83-86,105. (in Chinese)
22. Mu Qingsong, Ma Chongwu, Ma Junwei and Miao Tiande, Effect of Jinchuan structural stress field on workings engineering stability, METAL MINE, 2007, 7(Series 373), 18-22. (in Chinese)
23. Ma Chongwu, Mu Qingsong, Chen Xiaohui, Ma Junwei and Miao Tiande, Effect of the level pillar on the deformation and failure of hanging wall roadway in Jinchuan No. 2 mining area, MINING R & D, 2007, 27(5), 14-16. (in Chinese)
24. MU Qing-song and Chen Xiao-hui, Relation between threshold wind erosion velocity and vegetation coverage, Journal of Desert Research, 2007, 27(4), 534-538. (in Chinese)
25. MA Chong-wu, MU Qing-song, LIU Zhong-yu and MIAO Tian-de, Mechanical analysis on the stability of frozen embankments, Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology, 2007, 29(5), 752-755. (in Chinese)
26. LIU Zhong-yu and MU Qing-song, Study on dynamic failure mechanism of saturated loess slopes, Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2005, 27(9), 1016-1020. (in Chinese)
27. MU Qing-song, MIAO Tian-de and MA Chong-wu, Threshold wind-velocity for single size sand, Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Sciences), 2004, 40(1), 21-24. (in Chinese)
28. MU Qing-song, MA Chong-wu and MIAO Tian-de, Research on shear strength of unsaturated sand with low-moisture content, Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2004, 26(5), 674-678. (in Chinese)
29. MU Qing-song, MIAO Tian-de and MA Chong-wu, Threshold velocity for mix-sized sand and formation dynamics of gravel surface, Journal of Desert Research, 2004, 24(3), 268-273. (in Chinese)
30. MA Chong-wu, MU Qing-song and MIAO Tian-de, Limit analysis and plastic dissipation power of landslides, Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Sciences), 2004, 40(4), 98-100. (in Chinese)
31. ZHANG Qian-hua, MU Qing-song and MIAO Tian-de, A coupled map lattice model for sand ripple formation, Journal of Desert Research, 2003, 23(2), 121-125. (in Chinese)
32. Mu Qingsong, Wang Jiancheng and Miao Tian-de, On the dynamical characteristic of the roughness in the turbulent boundary layer, ACTA MECHANICA SINICA, 2003, 35(2), 129-134. (in Chinese)
33. MIAO Tian-de, MU Qing-song, LIU Zhong-yu and MA Chong-wu, Effective stress and shear strength of unsaturated soil with low water content, Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2001, 23(4), 393-396. (in Chinese)
34. Tian-De Miao, Qing-Song Mu and Sheng-Zhi Wu. Computer simulation of Aeolian sand ripples and dunes. Physics Letters A, 2001, 288: 16-22.