
Uncovering the Mystery of the Internal Structure of Sandstorms: The Paper on Electrical Structure Inversion and Reconstruction Led by Professor Zhou Youhe of Lanzhou University was Published in "Nature Communications"

On October 8th, the international famous academic journals were published online in the Nature Communications mechanics discipline independent proposed and implemented in our school academic papers of sandstorm electric structure inversion reconstruction, the paper titled "Reconstructing the electrical structure of dust storms from locally observed electric field data", the authors of the paper is Associate Professor Zhang Huan, and Professor Zhou Youhe (corresponding author).This study provides an effective and guiding way to uncover the mystery of the inner structure of sandstorms.

The paper's research stems from an earlier proposal by corresponding author Professor Zhou Youhe.The first author, Zhang Huan, received his PhD under the guidance of Academician Zheng Xiaojing in December 2016, and was recommended by the Chinese Mechanical Society and approved by the China Association for Science and Technology in 2017.Later, in the standing Council of the Chinese Mechanics Society, the president Yang Wei proposed that Professor Zhou Youhe should be the cooperative tutor (according to the regulations, the original tutor should not be the cooperative tutor).Under the suggestions and specific guidance of Professor Zhou Youhe, Associate Professor Zhang Huan has included this extremely challenging research topic into the research content of his promotion plan.After more than two years of unremitting efforts, a successful breakthrough was made by the end of 2019.The paper was submitted to Nature Communications in February 2020, and soon received positive review opinions, such as“The paper is related to the mutual effect of dust dynamics on particle charging that is a topic of interest for a wide community with applications in several fields of investigation”,“The paper presents model results aiming to elucidate the complex electrical structure of dust storms. This is an important contribution that presents a significant progress in the field”,The paper is very lucid, clear and well organized” ,“This is absolutely a novel and highly interesting result”.

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